Talent Magnet: Onboarding our new cohort!

BeNext Editorial
2 min readApr 23, 2022

We kicked off our Talent Magnet: Aligning Recruitment, Employer Branding & Business Requirement cohort program with an amazing session hosted by our very own Cindy Scholts!

We were curious to get a sense of how our learners were feeling and were intrigued to see a split: when asked ‘what’s the weather like inside you at the moment?’, 33% said sunny, 33% said cloudy, and 33% said stormy! What a variety!

Our next question was more about the specific capabilities they want to develop on the program. We asked: ‘What are the most important skills or talents you are looking for while recruiting?’

Some of the top responses were: technical skills, Communication Skills, Resilience, Adaptability to change

Of course, we couldn’t let the session go by without thinking about the difficulties of the last few years’ disruptions. We posed this question to the learners:

What have been your biggest challenges with remote recruiting? This time, the results were a little more conclusive:

56% said virtual onboarding, 33% said virtual interviews and 11% said not getting enough applications.

We also asked: what have been your biggest challenges in retaining your employees?

The majority (56%) said their biggest challenge has been moving from remote to office based, while 22% said keeping team morale high remotely, and another 22% said upskilling managers to lead remotely.

What an interesting set of insights from our cohort of global leaders and HR practitioners!

Looking forward to an awesome five-week journey with this enthusiastic group of learners!



BeNext Editorial

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